5x30 = 150?
Mondae 845pm 17th July 2006
Ooo, wake up 12pm todae..again argh. All these late nights are really no good for the body. Getting v hard to slp these days, they say old pple find it hard to slp, maybe they are right.. ha 2 more days to 26. I am expecting huge changes to my life in the next 5 years to come, i am embracing it for sure tho.
Oh, TurtleCanFly was given a new look.~ some say previous white is better, some say black.. hmm personally i think black is better coz the colors are able to stand out on their own. hmm well, wat the heck.. oh spent the day looking at jobs, updating my resume and sent ard 5 resumes. Say i sent 5 per day, end of the month i wld have sent 150! wow crazy sia, like kenneth said, are there 150 jobs that will interests me?
Wats really interests me is working inside MDA or MICA, I dunno whether i can get it or not, but i sure hope they gave me a chance! Ok gonna sent them my resume tomolo~
Went to gym and a jog in the evening, i was nvr a gym person, hence was stoning there most of the time, looking at charts and instructions on how to use the machines correctly T_T. Smth puzzles me tho, wats gg on thru the minds of those guys staring at their bicheps inside the mirror while lifting dumbbells? Do they really think those bicheps is gg to get them anywhr? hmm maybe they do, i nvr have bicheps the size of my butt before so i can't really say. Maybe the word DumbBell says it all.
Shall attach some pics from the time at Minds Cafe, CgOverdrive and the lighter weizhi gave me the other day, nice weekend~ Pls let me have an early sleep tonite!

Ooo, wake up 12pm todae..again argh. All these late nights are really no good for the body. Getting v hard to slp these days, they say old pple find it hard to slp, maybe they are right.. ha 2 more days to 26. I am expecting huge changes to my life in the next 5 years to come, i am embracing it for sure tho.
Oh, TurtleCanFly was given a new look.~ some say previous white is better, some say black.. hmm personally i think black is better coz the colors are able to stand out on their own. hmm well, wat the heck.. oh spent the day looking at jobs, updating my resume and sent ard 5 resumes. Say i sent 5 per day, end of the month i wld have sent 150! wow crazy sia, like kenneth said, are there 150 jobs that will interests me?
Wats really interests me is working inside MDA or MICA, I dunno whether i can get it or not, but i sure hope they gave me a chance! Ok gonna sent them my resume tomolo~
Went to gym and a jog in the evening, i was nvr a gym person, hence was stoning there most of the time, looking at charts and instructions on how to use the machines correctly T_T. Smth puzzles me tho, wats gg on thru the minds of those guys staring at their bicheps inside the mirror while lifting dumbbells? Do they really think those bicheps is gg to get them anywhr? hmm maybe they do, i nvr have bicheps the size of my butt before so i can't really say. Maybe the word DumbBell says it all.
Shall attach some pics from the time at Minds Cafe, CgOverdrive and the lighter weizhi gave me the other day, nice weekend~ Pls let me have an early sleep tonite!

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