Riser Kageri~!
11:35am Mon 15th January 2006 cozy night
Stopped raining finally.. perhaps its a sign that i shld let wat ever happened last week go as well.
Last week was like a roller coaster ride, nt that there were huge ups n downs, juz that everything is happening so fast and hard that events seems blurry as i try to recall them... there were appointments almost everydae, one of the days i was rushing 3 of them consecutively, heavy downpours makes travelling even more difficult. On top of all that, joeric n I have to do the customization of a software for a POC of a tender on Fri; which we have no idea how it can be done. I even got to learn VB frm scratch... T_T
Joeric n I arent even programmers to begin wif, all we can do is to look for "patterns" in the code trying to figure out what these patterns can or cannot do. Then we have to painfully piece these patterns together hoping to seek meaning out of it, meanwhile trying to see hw these patterns can perform to certain functions required by the tender specs..
Its a long a tedious task, everydae it rained, everydae we stayed in front of our screens till 10pm... everydae i climbed the same flight of stairs to the same carpark, everydae i looked at the same streetlights out of joeric's car window. All i can think of is how the tender gg to turn out on fri....
Thurs 935pm: Rain
Miraculously, we finally broke the code. phew.. we did it?
Fridae 830am: Still raining
We are late for the tender due to traffic jam, also shocked to see 20 over gatekeepers sitting there waiting to evaluate our solution. Then joeric told me i will be the one doin the presentation. Exhausted, unprepared and inexperienced, there can onli be one outcome.
Utter failure.
Lost the 20k deal in mins. sigh
I am still far frm being what they wan me to be but credit to joeric and stephy, who encouraged me all the way, dun think i can meet colleagues like that elsewhr. Despite certain amt of negative energy within the company, i still believe this is the perfect enviroment for me to grow. Hmm didnt really tik that far anyway.., all i am gg to do is to remain true to myself, follow my heart, am sure things will turn out fine...
Mondae, rain stopped..
Bought the the dynamic trio of Justirisers todae~ finally!! I tik i am in love wif Riser Kageri! The blue armour over her boobs is so shinny i can almost see my humsup face on it. Had a hard time looking for Riser Glen and Riser Gant, thks to Kenneth's info, managed to get them at Toys R Us.
Time to slp.

Stopped raining finally.. perhaps its a sign that i shld let wat ever happened last week go as well.
Last week was like a roller coaster ride, nt that there were huge ups n downs, juz that everything is happening so fast and hard that events seems blurry as i try to recall them... there were appointments almost everydae, one of the days i was rushing 3 of them consecutively, heavy downpours makes travelling even more difficult. On top of all that, joeric n I have to do the customization of a software for a POC of a tender on Fri; which we have no idea how it can be done. I even got to learn VB frm scratch... T_T
Joeric n I arent even programmers to begin wif, all we can do is to look for "patterns" in the code trying to figure out what these patterns can or cannot do. Then we have to painfully piece these patterns together hoping to seek meaning out of it, meanwhile trying to see hw these patterns can perform to certain functions required by the tender specs..
Its a long a tedious task, everydae it rained, everydae we stayed in front of our screens till 10pm... everydae i climbed the same flight of stairs to the same carpark, everydae i looked at the same streetlights out of joeric's car window. All i can think of is how the tender gg to turn out on fri....
Thurs 935pm: Rain
Miraculously, we finally broke the code. phew.. we did it?
Fridae 830am: Still raining
We are late for the tender due to traffic jam, also shocked to see 20 over gatekeepers sitting there waiting to evaluate our solution. Then joeric told me i will be the one doin the presentation. Exhausted, unprepared and inexperienced, there can onli be one outcome.
Utter failure.
Lost the 20k deal in mins. sigh
I am still far frm being what they wan me to be but credit to joeric and stephy, who encouraged me all the way, dun think i can meet colleagues like that elsewhr. Despite certain amt of negative energy within the company, i still believe this is the perfect enviroment for me to grow. Hmm didnt really tik that far anyway.., all i am gg to do is to remain true to myself, follow my heart, am sure things will turn out fine...
Mondae, rain stopped..
Bought the the dynamic trio of Justirisers todae~ finally!! I tik i am in love wif Riser Kageri! The blue armour over her boobs is so shinny i can almost see my humsup face on it. Had a hard time looking for Riser Glen and Riser Gant, thks to Kenneth's info, managed to get them at Toys R Us.
Time to slp.

jiayou jiayou! We grow with our learnings ya.
you go, boy!
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