probably one of the finest, if nt the best night i ever had in thailand. Didnt travel alot really, picked up a colleague from the airport after work, had a simple nice decent tom yam meal juz round the corner of the alley, tried thai traditional massage (and yes, just so happen, showing justirisers on TV making my time there twice as shiok! =P), hang out at Mayfair Bar again right thru the night b4 making a 2 min walk back to hotel. everything seems so simple and routined, exactly the kind of things i wld do if i am stayin in bangkok for good..
Perhaps, its their slower pace that suits and attract me most. Unlike in singapore where everything is abt efficiency and effectiveness, the thais are more humble and receptive to pple ard them.. at least thats wat i observed. I dunch think pple in sg are as receptive as them. sigh...
ha the girls at MayFair Bar was great tat night, they recognised me and asked if i am here for the thai song Pae Jai again.. ha.. they are probably tired of singing that same song 3 nights in a row... heheh, acty come to think of it, i tik i have spent more than $1500 baht on this song "Pae Jai" alone ... been gg MayFair Bar everynight ever since i set foot in thailand.. omg, if i stay there... surely am gg to broke T_T
old man went up the stage to do a 'loud' piece =P
Day 4, last night in Bangkok..
feeling really exahausted, been heading to MayFair Bar for three consecutive nights, the girls are tired singing the same song, i am tired dragging myself to hotel 230am in the morning.. zzz. Had a decent tom yam meal at a v quiet restaurant wif thai colleagues after work. Ratchapol, Nam, Tar and Ron were wif us tonite. There is this one man band playing his guitar and singing in the restaurant. Unexpectedly, Ron (who hardly speak any english at all which is oso y i didnt speak much to him in my 3 days there in office) acty went up and dedicate the song Pae Jai for me~ T_T sob , so gan dong.. in return i called him my, plenn suai means beautiful friend in thai. =) Ron and i didnt speak much but i cld tell he is v sincere.. simple gestures like these touches pple.. smth i know i will nvr see in SG..sigh. Tar is also another fren whom i hoped to have interact more wif. ha i know he is a liverpool supporter, he plays striker in his team.. fresh grad, young and v v v v humble person =) with his limited english, he told me, he wld like to speak more to me, but it is v difficult for him to speak more. i cld tell frm his eyes he really mean it. thank Tar, really appreciate it. =)
Me, Nicole, Sansini, Tar and Nam
Ron, Sansini and Tar

steamboat lunch
Went to Khao San tat night instead, didnt expect to be such a vibrant nite spot, basically its a nite bazzar cum lots of happening place to chill.. there are probably more ang mohs than locals there.. ha nice place to hang out~
cocktail at a road stall
24th MArch Last day in bangkok
Decided to spent the whole dae at chatuchak weekend mart b4 leaving for the airport in the late afternoon. place so big, u can almost find anything u wan over there.. clothes, painting, accessories, puppys, birds, paintings, art pieces, furnitures and so on... ha heavenly sight for nicole. i didnt really shop alot tho, if given a choice i rather spend my time at MayFair BAr =P... spent most of my time there at the art section selling all the art pieces, lifestyle furnitures, music ... before sitting down at this fruit juice store.. juz to find a shade away from the burning afternoon heat. phew.. perfect way to spent the weekend. =)
watermelon plus kiwi smoothie : 65 Baht
Bangkok Airport.. seriously lacking the thai spirit.
surely gg back thailand again... thanks Ruangdate for your Thai Songs~!
13th to 17th April. Phuket
Lagon Krup