1030pm July 28 2006
After rejecting all the crappy interviews, i realised i have precious time alone to myself again. Yesterdae went out wif kenneth, had steamboat at bugis wif lots of cheenah pple (sorry!). Wake up this morning still v full from the hotdogs and luncheon meat kenneth kept stuffing my plate wif, cldn't even my breakfast todae argh. Suddenly decided to go ikea for a walk.
Reached ikea ard 4pm, lots of pple.. there were tai tais and their expensive handbags, mothers chasing after their kids, families taking a walk, grps of students fooling ard and couples holding hands dreaming of their new homes. Then i realised I was there alone, juz me and my book.
Walked aimlessly ard, hmm realised ikea didn't change any bit at all. Chairs, Sofas, Beds, tables, everyone of them are still at their respective designated areas. I walk into the crowded dining area, everyone are still having their meatballs, chicken wings and fish n chips, guess nuthin much had changed at all. Saw a v familiar seat, its was empty so i sat down took a breather and looked at all the pple and things thats ard me. Everything looks exactly the way it is one year ago. Order 2 pieces of Chicken wings, and a cup of coffee, onli this time no one is sharing them wif me. =(
Watched a v beautiful movie on mondae, The Lake House by Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock (the auntie). Nobody knows how much i wish i can have a love story as beautiful as this. I know it can nvr happen in real life or at least to me, but deep down i juz hope smth like that can acty happen. I dunno why, when Keanu said smth in the movie, "I've nvr met someone or seen anything as REAL as her b4, I Love her.." , somehow i can really really feel and understand wat is he trying to say. I really do... sigh
ha, this movie is definately gg inside my DVD collection v soon. =)
Took me ard 2 hours to reach home. The big jam, the rain, and crowded pple on the bus and sad love songs on my mp3 player filled my lonely evening. Hmm hw come todae so moody~ ? ha~
oh Earth Angel is home.
gonna end here.
430am 24th July 2006
Above is a collab btw me n shufen~ drawing was done by Shufen when she is still a v young girl, painting was done by me todae. :D
Juz finished watching DVD "Philadelphia" by Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, fantastic movie. Pretty tired now, finally gg to sleep. Looking forward to tuesdae's oil painting session wif Ivy yey~!
Sad-turdae Evening
5.30pm 22 July 2006
Juz reach home sweaty n sticky from a job interview. Feeling tired and too lazy to do anything else cept maybe stare at my jar of cookies, its the onli thing thats keeping me happy these days.
I met someone earlier todae, who is v rich and successful (in his own definition) gave a talk on how we the fresh grads shld be clear of the goals we wan in our lives and work hard towards these goals in order to be successful... juz like him. Then he went on tok abt the time when he first graduated, how he got disillusioned by the corporate world, climbing the corporate ladder all ur life and finally gets retrenched when u r old and a big fat liability to the firm...blah blah, all at the young age of 25. So he says, he dun wan to be a can of coke selling at 45cent in the supermarket, he wans to be the $7.90 per can of coke selling at 5 star hotels. So wat must the can of coke in the supermarket do? he says the key word is to change market. By changing market, that can of coke in the supermarket will become the coke at the 5 star hotel. So he change his profession (from a auditor) and worked towards his goal to become the $7.90 can of coke. Well, to be fair, he at the age of 36 is a wealthy man now, to prove that he even showed us his annual salary for 2005, a little over $400K mark.
Impressive numbers... only that i feel all these nonsense had onli one purpose, which is to INSTILL their ideology of being successful and TELLING us wat shld be the goals we must achieve in our lives.
Of coz, some pple left, one even protested questioning the purpose of this interview, why claim itself to be a Marketing Executive position when Financial Advisors or Planners watever u call it, is wat really u are looking for? Guess wat? The interviewer puts down his happy mask and said, "I did not ask for your opinion Mister, If u wanna argue wif me, I will not hesitate to show you the door!". Wif that, the protest went silent and more pple left the room.
Surprisingly i stayed till the end, perhaps i guess its kind of rude to interupt like that? i am not sure. But thks to this interview, I know more clearly now the goals i wanna achieve and the path to reach these goals. I am definately not a can of coke or some product on the shelf, I know i am much more than that. Recently, my goals hit a snag, a v good partner is leaving for Taiwan, despite my obvious sadness, deep down i really wanna wish her success coz i noe v well after a chat wif her at TCC some time back, how much this opportunity means to her, so from the deepest of my heart i wish her happinest. watever it is, i will reserve this 'chair' for u, so u can continue whr u left off after u come back from Taiwan! >_-
hmm yummy lovely cookies lying in front of me~ maybe i eat one now hiakhiak Quick painting of some clouds.. boliao me
125am 20th July 2006Feeling both drowsy n tipsy now coz of the tiramisu birthdae cake~ oh my, the alcohol content is so strong! ha.. its always when i am drowsy, i dare to say things nvr had confidence to say... but more often than not, those words always sound silly, unstructured and "lots of grammer mistakes"... ha birthdae this year was a quiet affair. There were no rose petals that leads from the door to a rose pillow, no gf who wears ur birthdae pressie on herself, no romantic home made dinner, juz me and my family having dinner together at sakae followed by a movie together, and finally a small candles blowing session b4 they go to bed. Without fail, my family will always be there for me.. i know deep down i am a blessed child. No matter wat happens i will always have their love, they will always have mine~I like to thk a number of pple for making my birthdae a special one~ thks Meiting for Neil Gaiman's book; Anansi's Boys ( i am a big fan of his! Thks!), thks Shufen for your stickers and table tennis bats ( They are really the funniest pressies i have ever received), thks Janice for the happy birthdae wish on the 12am dot! Thks Corrinne, for the cookies, tho it didn't made it to my house, but i really appreciate ur efforts considering u are such a lazy gal! heh~ thks SinLing for the early birthdae wish, thks Keryn for ur birthdae song and "oreo birthdae cake"! thks kok shin and Jiana for the testimonials, Kok shin when are u coming back?? u still in Aust? Jiana u married?? haha congras! Thks Ah Da, Jack bro, Ronnie and chief for the birthdae wishes~ Ha as usual no birthdae wishes from my own gang~ i remb we made a farnie promise many years ago nvr to celebrate each other's birthdae haha, onli few days ago did we realised that the dae we r watching Brazil vs France was actually junwei's birthdae! well hope this promise will last for eternality, if u guys understand wat i mean >_- .
This Saturdae go play Risk again ah~Thks Earth Angel for the encouragement juz now~ will work on my weakness!Tipsy but happyBryan
5x30 = 150?
Mondae 845pm 17th July 2006
Ooo, wake up 12pm todae..again argh. All these late nights are really no good for the body. Getting v hard to slp these days, they say old pple find it hard to slp, maybe they are right.. ha 2 more days to 26. I am expecting huge changes to my life in the next 5 years to come, i am embracing it for sure tho.
Oh, TurtleCanFly was given a new look.~ some say previous white is better, some say black.. hmm personally i think black is better coz the colors are able to stand out on their own. hmm well, wat the heck.. oh spent the day looking at jobs, updating my resume and sent ard 5 resumes. Say i sent 5 per day, end of the month i wld have sent 150! wow crazy sia, like kenneth said, are there 150 jobs that will interests me?
Wats really interests me is working inside MDA or MICA, I dunno whether i can get it or not, but i sure hope they gave me a chance! Ok gonna sent them my resume tomolo~
Went to gym and a jog in the evening, i was nvr a gym person, hence was stoning there most of the time, looking at charts and instructions on how to use the machines correctly T_T. Smth puzzles me tho, wats gg on thru the minds of those guys staring at their bicheps inside the mirror while lifting dumbbells? Do they really think those bicheps is gg to get them anywhr? hmm maybe they do, i nvr have bicheps the size of my butt before so i can't really say. Maybe the word DumbBell says it all.
Shall attach some pics from the time at Minds Cafe, CgOverdrive and the lighter weizhi gave me the other day, nice weekend~ Pls let me have an early sleep tonite!

Angels and Demons
845pm 13 July 2006 www.TurtleCanFly.com is born 2 weeks of learning, running ard, banging(my head) tearing (my hair!), and not to forget all the sleepless nights, finally this small Turtle is up! phew... I like thk all the angels who've gave me all the help in every way they can especially when i have been in my most pathetic self in the mist of everything ha~ Firstly I like say a Big thank kew to Koh ShuFen for all her patience teaching me Dreamweaver 3 (yes retro Dreamweaver 3 still rocks!). thks Banchye, for his selfless help wif all hosting and uploading stuff~ yup i will remember to give you lots of through balls for u to score on Sat soccer sessions!~ Thks Bing also for ur valuable advices in helping me upload my stuff on thru the ftp~ final big thks everyone!!hmm one more thing, if any of u guys are getting a domain and hosting, DO NOT go to www.focushub.net~ i paid them for the domain and hosting initially and not onli that they did not gave me my domain name, they failed to gave reply any of my emails i've sent them. wats worse is, the hotline they put on their website is not working at all. ah! v bad service... demons in the making.Well, its not so bad coz at least i've learned not dwell on smth thats oredi a thing of the past~ at the end of the dae, I did achived wat i've set out to do and its time to move on to my next goal! As long as keep making things happen, i know i will reach my ultimate goal eventually~ jia you!Bryan